Todays irritant: what does an author do when they've discovered their MC's voice but realize they HATE IT?
This is why I've always hated 1st-Person POV. Sure, the story might be amazing, the actions and motivations of the character compelling, the evolution of the character from start to finish captivating - but the way the character thinks/speaks is so PEDESTRIAN. This is where I am with Fin. Her story is amazing and I can only capture the nuances of it through her mind. But her mind is so boring when it comes to descriptive passages.
I always wanted to be an author who could make her narratives poetic. I wanted to write amazing stories beautifully. Maybe I'll get to be that kind of writer someday, but so far, it's not going to be achieved through Nevermore. Not without pulling some teeth and possibly arranging the space-time continuum.
In the meanwhile, I'm experimenting with narrative flow, playing around with some possible additions that will, ideally, add suspense and foreshadowing, AND let me out of Fin's head for a scene or two. Then again, I'm probably making even MORE work for myself. Oh well, at least I'm having fun.