Thursday, May 27, 2010

Changes They Are A-Coming

I've been wondering about the state of my blogs for some time now. One updates rarely, since I write in anything BUT a chronological order. The other is a dumping ground for what ever the hell I'm thinking on a weekly basis. Neither works well. That said, I'm shifting things around.

This blog, Nevermore, will now will host not only the story but also any posts, thoughts, or extras related to Nevermore that I want to share. This way, you'll know more about the process of my writing, what I'm up to, when I'm wallowing in my inferiority complex, and thus get some sort of idea about when the heck you might get an update.

The Box will now be Maria Meeps - a bit more appropriate since the URL is - and it will return to the purpose I'd dreamed for it originally: a review blog. I'm not sure why I didn't make it one, since my original intention of having a blog was to review books and music, but OH WELL STUFF HAPPENS. Now, when you go to, you'll find reviews of books, movies, music, events, and life in general as it relates to the media we consume. The reviews that are already there will remain. Things relating to Nevermore and writing will be re-posted here. Anything inbetween will probably be deleted or at least privatized so no one but me can view them.

Thanks for following me so far, and I hope you'll continue to through the impending changes. Feel free to leave complaints, compliments, or random conversation in the comments. Thank you.

-Maria D

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