Wednesday, June 2, 2010


AudryT from Twitter tagged me. She got it from Jamie Reed, who in turn got it from Rebecca Knight. (Golly, it's like tracing the origin of an STD, isn't it?)
The rules are simple: finish each sentence, then tag three people to do the same on their blogs.

Favorite color: Sapphire blue
Favorite action scene in a movie: Kill Bill, Volumes 1 & 2. Two whole movies can't be action scenes? Obviously you have not watched these movies.
Favorite breakfast cereal: Cocoa Puffs and Lucky Charms
Favorite toy as a kid: Polly Pocket
Favorite 80’s group: I have to pick one?
Favorite 90’s group: I could be a bitch and say the Spice Girls, but 1) no one would believe me, and 2) I'm planning to auction off my soul on ebay and if the quality is ruined from killing myself a little by saying that, I can't ask as much.
Craziest dream you can remember: All of them. What's weird is when I have a dream that makes sense.
Biggest fear/phobia: Snakes and getting stuck working a 9-5 type job. I guess I should add cubicles to this list.
Left-handed or right-handed: Right but trying to train myself to be ambidextrous.
What’s odd about you: Everything. I'm a walking contradiction. In the same breath, I believe everything absolutely and question it absolutely.
What’s cool about you: Everything.
Red pill or blue pill: Which one makes me see Yoda?
Cats or dogs: Cats.
What do you envy about boys: They can go shirtless in the summer and no one cares. Also, freedom with humor. They can talk about farts and porno, but if I even say the word vibrator, the room hushes. Gasp, a girl making fun of sex, but not at the expense of a guy.
The world must be ending.
What do you envy about girls: Very little. We tend to view each other as rivals instead of competitors or sportsmen, which often makes even the simplest of interactions fraught with duplicity and cattiness. Girls annoy me frequently. But we DO have so many more outfit options than men.
What your favorite sound: Everything, nothing, it all depends on the place and my mood.
Least favorite sound: West Virginia accents. "Your mother's a musician/your brother's an artist, so you must know how to ___" or "You want to be a writer? You simply have to go tot his college." or "You want to be a writer? *stunned silence*"
Dream car: Something sleek and shiny and blue with a kick ass sound system, 60 miles to a gallon, and a mounted bazooka that fires pies. I'll also accept a tank, provided I could give it Cheshire cat stripes.
Dream vacation: I think H.P. Lovecraft wrote about it in The Rats in the Walls
What are you reading now: Going Bovine by Libba Bray and Elephants on Acid by Alex Boese
Favorite mythical creature/ monster: Dragons
What turns you on: A brain.
What turns you off: Everything that lacks the a fore mentioned
Favorite curse word: Mother-fucking fuck-monkeys! I also yell "starving children in Africa" at odd intervals. If anyone can explain this to me, I'd appreciate it. It comes from the part of brain that rambles inexplicably about dancing space potatoes.
Favorite word: Maybe. It can mean so many things, almost all of them painful.
Least favorite word: Dazzle.
Best invention in history: Fire.
Dream occupation: I like writing what I want to write. If I can get paid for that, that would make my life groovy indeed. But if I could be an omnipotent dictator for life, I wouldn't complain too hard about that either.
If you could go back in time and tell the 10 year-old you one thing, what would it be?: It's not your fault, so stop crying, get off your fat ass, and take over the world already! Dad's crazy and sick because he's secretly a drug addict and just because you were wishing Nonnie would kick the bucket right before she did does not mean you killed her with your mind. If you could do that, many, many people would be dead and middle school would've been a whole lot easier.

The Rules dictate I have to tag 3 people. They are:

Anna, Gabby, and Jo. Now I have to hunt them down on Facebook.

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